Tricia × Advent of Code

Hi! It’s me! Your friendly neighborhood Tricia! Welcome to viz, a little site mostly focused on my visualization work for Advent of Code. Hope you enjoy reading!

About Me

I’m a security & infrastructure engineer. I mostly work on very large Internet systems, usually dealing with things like Go, Terraform, and AWS. In my spare time I enjoy baking, woodworking, sailing, circus aerials, rock climbing, bicycling, and video games. I live with my wife in San Francisco, where we raise our darling cat Chell.

2022 Day 23: Elfian Motion

On day 23, we help the elves to plant saplings. ...

December 22, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 18: Hot Stuff

On Day 18, we have lava rain. ...

December 18, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 15: Overlap

Day 15 challenges us to handle very large overlapping areas. ...

December 14, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 14: Sand Everywhere

Day 14, we’re trapped in a cave that’s being filled in by sand. ...

December 13, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 12: A STARry-eyed Surprise

On the twelfth day of advent, we do some hill-climbing. ...

December 11, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 10: Sprites and Pixels

Day 10 feels a little meta. We’re visualizing pixels on a CRT. ...

December 9, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 8: Trees But Not A Tree Problem

Day 08 has us counting trees, in two ways. ...

December 8, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 7: A Directory Tree 🎄

Day 7 involved parsing the output of a shell transcript. ...

December 6, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 6: Message Markers

In day 6, we’re looking for start of message markers in a series of bytes. ...

December 5, 2022 · Tricia Bogen

2022 Day 2: Slot Machine?

Day 2 was a rock-paper-scissors simulator, in an interestingly backwards sense. ...

December 1, 2022 · Tricia Bogen