On Day 8, we reverse a mapping of on/off signals to the 7-segment digits they represent.

This puzzle was fun, but challenging. We’re given a series of “words”, each of which corresponds to a 7seg digit. It’s essentially a problem of figuring out a logic mapping. Given, for example, af, we know that the digit must be 1 (the only digit with two lighted segments). We don’t know which segment is a or which is f, though. There are four such unique-count digits, and we can use this data to determine a mapping of segments.

This would’ve been a great way to use the 7seg implementation I built for 2022 Day 6, but alas, 12/5/2022 comes after 12/7/2021 according to most calendars.


The visualization walks through each “display” in the mapping and visualizes the collapse down into known digit values.

Day 8 Visualization

New Features

No new features per se, but for today we created the glyph for the pipe | characters. The split pipe harkens back to a common feature of monospace fonts from my youth.
